Post op day 2&3
Yesterday morning started out a little wild with the nurses taking Dominic's epidural out at 3am ( it's standard procedure and they wouldn't do it any other way). A very odd time of day to do that but none the less, they got that done and Dominic went back to sleep without much trouble. They had been starting him on the oral pain meds already earlier that night but by 7am Dominic was in severe pain. We were told it's normal for them to experience pain while transitioning from the epidural to oral meds only. They quickly gave him morphine thru his IV and within about 10-15 minutes he was calmed down again and fast asleep. The rest of the morning we spent trying to keep him comfortable and making sure his pain was controlled. Dominic's catheter was also removed but he was still hooked up to IV and the monitors on his chest. By lunchtime they got his cast wrapped and had all the necessary things done before we could go home. His cast goes up around his waist to make s...