pre-op fixator removal surgery

 Hello to all! 

It's been a while since we updated on here. Weeks flew by as we learned to deal with Dominic's fixator and how to properly care for him. It was not without it's trials but mostly we could continue on normally with life. He had two rounds of pin site infections and he took alot of care over that time. The last few weeks he's been really confident with his leg and it took alot for it to hurt him. He took tumbles off the bed and couch recently and just wanted to do it again! We all learned to fear his fixator, especially his sisters, when Dominic got in his crazy moods of throwing that thing around and crawling all over us. 

On February 24 we took xrays on Dominics leg and were so excited to hear these words from Dr Standard- "It is time for removal." They scheduled us for March 10 and that seemed far away at the time but here we are! 

This evening we had the privilege to meet up with sweet little Phillip and his family. Phillip had the same surgery done as Dominic, only 3.5 weeks ago and its been such a blessing to share experiences and learn from each other as we go thru this. 


Plans are to be at the hospital at 6 am. We are excited about getting the fixator taken off altho he does need to go to the OR for that. Dominic did fairly well with the anesthesia the last time but watching them wake up from that is no fun. The fixator removal surgery is an outpatient procedure so we do plan to head home tomorrow, LW.  Dr Standard plans to put a cast on Dominics leg tomorrow (that he'll be wearing for 4 weeks) and also straighten his big toe. 

Alrighty, that's all for tonight. We pray Dominic will sleep good and get a good night rest before the morning. 


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