Post op day 2&3
Yesterday morning started out a little wild with the nurses taking Dominic's epidural out at 3am ( it's standard procedure and they wouldn't do it any other way). A very odd time of day to do that but none the less, they got that done and Dominic went back to sleep without much trouble. They had been starting him on the oral pain meds already earlier that night but by 7am Dominic was in severe pain. We were told it's normal for them to experience pain while transitioning from the epidural to oral meds only. They quickly gave him morphine thru his IV and within about 10-15 minutes he was calmed down again and fast asleep.
The rest of the morning we spent trying to keep him comfortable and making sure his pain was controlled. Dominic's catheter was also removed but he was still hooked up to IV and the monitors on his chest. By lunchtime they got his cast wrapped and had all the necessary things done before we could go home. His cast goes up around his waist to make sure that it doesn't fall off. At 1pm we headed out of there and needed to stop at the pharmacy yet for some meds before we came home.
Our girls were staying with Justin's mom in Rural Retreat so she brought them down last evening and they arrived only a few minutes after we got home. I loved to see the smile on Dominic's face when he saw his sisters! He was still pretty under the weather last evening and any time his leg would hit something he would cry in pain. He did eat quite a bit of the wonderful supper Martha brought for us and that was a good thing!
He didn't sleep real great last night but maybe because he was in bed with me:) It seemed he couldn't get into a comfortable position and just tossed and turned alot. After some meds around 3:30am he finally went into a deep sleep and slept until about 7:30am.
He woke up a different person and has been making some serious progress today! By this evening he's been crawling a few times and trying to get around and gets very annoyed when he can't do the things his sisters are doing, like jumping up on the couch and crawling up on the window seat in the kitchen and watching for Nate to bring the delicious homemade pizza.
Since lunchtime today Dominic has only been on Tylenol and ibuprofen and that's also a huge step in the right direction! It really does blow my mind that you can have such a major surgery and less than 3 days later only be on that but he's been doing real good. He still needs to be held alot and needs much care but that can only be expected from one so young! Those prescription pain meds really mess with his temperament and we all just need to give alot of grace.
I just want to thank all of you again for praying and those that have reached out and sent encouraging messages. I was taking the time today to listen to some songs some of yall sent and they have blessed us so much. Every time we come thru a time like this, I'm more grateful to God for his wonderful care and strength he gives 'in such a time as this'. Whether it is thru people that He uses or just simply giving grace and energy when it feels gone.
Love to all, Justins
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