Shriners, muscle spams, and cast removal

 Good evening to all!

We've been fairly silent the last few days but I will try my best to give a accurate picture of what's been happening. It's been one of the most stretching times of my life, but God has given me so many blessings in the midst of it all! 

Dominic's cast was put on last week on Friday, 5 days ago. He adapted well in the beginning but after a day or so he started having some real muscle spasms especially at night. He would wake up screaming and throwing his leg around and clearly in pain. We normally gave him oxycodone and that would usually help with the spasms and he'd be able to sleep good after that. It will tear up a mama heart to watch your child go thru that. 

Monday took us to Shriners to pick up his KAFO (knee-ankle-foot orthotic) for his left leg. We have about 3.5 hours to Shriners in Greeneville, SC and on the way down there he dozed off and woke up minutes later in spams again. We gave him oxy a few times that day but it never seemed to totally take the pain away. Something with sitting in his car seat and the vibrations while driving was just a bad combo. He ended up not being able to sleep on the way home either and was exhausted by the time we got home. 

We were happy with the orthotic we got and excited to see how long it will take for Dominic to learn to walk. It took a few hours to make sure they had everything fitting just right, but they did a wonderful job. 

That day we were in contact with our doctor in Baltimore about Dominics spasms and were advised to return to Baltimore the next day or at the latest Wednesday (today). It made my heart got to my toes to think of leaving my girls again for that trip and also after seeing how miserable it is to travel with Dominic in his car seat, I had no idea how I could do it. We decided to see how Monday night goes and make a decision after that.

Dominic slept good on Monday night but of course we still needed to use oxy. We decided we'd be willing to go to Baltimore on Wednesday if that is still what we are encouraged to do. On Tuesday Dominic did great during the day and even took naps without pain meds! We put him to bed that night only to have him wake up soon crying and screaming in spasms again. Oxy didn't take care of it completely and he woke up off and on until his next dose 4 hours later. We got on the phone with Dr Standard from Baltimore about 9:00 last evening and I asked him what we should do. I explained that the trip to Baltimore looks huge and he immediately had a solution. He wanted me to go in the ER this morning and have them remove the cast and check things out. He was worried about infection or a heel sore. I was so relieved when I knew I didn't have to make that trip to Baltimore again, and felt like he was an angel straight from God!  

Dominic did not have a good night last night and you know you have an angel doctor when you can message him at 1 am about pain management and he responds! 

So this morning I wasted no time in getting into the ER, never imagining I'd end up there for most of the day. They cut off the cast, did x-rays, and sent me home with a removable splint! All the while they were in contact with Dr Standard from Baltimore and he was telling them what to do. Dominic's heel was very red and sore, and looked so painful. That was the culprit of all the pain and spasms that he was having. Otherwise his leg is healed up so good that we don't need to have a cast at all anymore! I think I'm still in shock, going from a fixator to no cast in 5 days is kinda mind blowing! But I'm so thankful and can't believe we've already come this far in the process. 

Keep praying for Dominic. He's had a rough last couple days and by tonight he looked like he'd been thru the mill. He's also teething some right now and that's not helping the situation any but that will get better! He's been sleeping so good tonight so far and I pray it will continue. 

Thanks again for your support and prayers! 



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