Surgery day 10.19.23

 Good evening! 

As I sit in the hospital room up on the 2nd floor with a full view of the helicopter pad and ER entrance to the hospital, I'm so grateful for my healthy son! I'm thankful to God for guiding the Drs hands and for a successful surgery. 

Dominic did great this morning when we brought him in at 6:15. They had him ready for the OR by 7:30 and he was very drowsy from the 'laughing medicine' that he was given. We were unable to go with him to the OR but he was out of it enough that he didn't mind being whisked away by the nurse. 

When he was brought back after surgery around 10am he was a little upset and irritated from the anesthesia, so it took him a little to get him quieted. Also his cast was a little tight in a few places and they needed to bring the cast saw in here and cut a little of it off much to his dislike. :( So with that and all the tubes he was hooked up to from the epidural, catheter, and IVs in his arm he was pretty disturbed. Finally around 2pm he slept for a few hours and has been fairly content ever since. 

The plans are for the epidural to be removed at 3am and than keeping him on oral pain meds after that. If he tolerates that well, they will work on the discharge so that we can hopefully go home tomorrow. 

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I know there have been so many people praying and just knowing that is a huge comfort. God is good and we have so much to be thankful for! 

Good night for now! 


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