Ex-fix removal surgery

This morning found us at the hospital bright and early at 6 am. Registration and pre-op exams went smoothly and by 8 am Dominic was being wheeled back for the surgery to remove the fixator and Dr Standard also wanted to check on his big toe on the right foot to possibly straighten it during surgery. He ended up not doing anything to it because he was afraid it would hinder the movement that Dominic has with his toe and will need for walking. 

Justin went back to the OR with Dominic and I was told he fought the mask a bit when they were trying to put him to sleep. It didn't take real long and he was out! 

About an hour and 20 minutes later we were called back to the PACU unit and Dominic was out of surgery but hadn't woken up yet. We waited another 45 minutes until he woke up. This time they tried to make so he wakes up slowly since it had not gone so well the last time. When he had the surgery to put on his fixator he woke up crying and could hardly be consoled. It had taken us quite a while to get him comfortable and relaxed again. We had a different anesthesiologist this time, Jim Pepples, and he has been practicing for 48 years! He definitely knew what he was doing and Dominic woke up so perfectly and drank juice and ate crackers just like he was supposed to! 

We were discharged around 11 am. We had our bags all packed and loaded up already in the morning so we headed straight home. I fed Dominic some yoghurt and he fell asleep real soon and slept for about 2.5 hours. He ate again and slept another hour or so yet before we got home. 

He has been holding up so well today but by tonight it wasn't hard to tell that he was tired. Kinda like his parents :)  Im happy he went to sleep without Tylenol so that tells me he doesnt have pain and thats such a huge relief not to have to worry about that anymore. 

It feels to us like the worst is behind us and we've gotten over the big mountain! Monday we have an appointment at Shriners to get his AFO for his left leg and hopefully he can learn to walk! We are told walking won't be an issue with his cast and so we are very excited to see what he can do! 


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