Surgery day: done ✔️
6:20 this morning
This will get any mom or dad right down in your gut!
Waking up was a bit of a struggle but when he did he was soooo thirsty! 😍
I am writing this from the reclining chair of our room in the children’s section of the hospital. Currently Dominic is sleeping so I will attempt to explain a bit of what was done during surgery. One bone incision was made at the top of the bone curve in his tibia. This is to allow the bone to move and straighten as the external fixator is adjusted daily. The fixator (or frame) consists of steel pins that run through his bone at the top and bottom of his tibia and also through his ankle. They also made a cut between his tibia and unstable ankle and inserted a bone wedge or graft to turn his ankle in to a straighter position and stabilized with some wire. I will attach some pics of this leg contraption when I get a chance. At this point we haven’t even really seen it yet as it’s still wrapped from surgery. It was about 5 1/2 hrs from the time he left for surgery until we were able to see him again. What a relief to see him awake! This afternoon was not great with lots of crying and apparent discomfort but he did eat and drink and has slept some. We hope for a decent night but I won’t get those hopes too high. Thanks again for your prayers! We feel them! Justin
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