I am starting this blog 5 days before Dominics first surgery. We are going to Sinai hospital/International Center for Limb Lengthening in Baltimore on Monday, Oct 17. Pre-op will happen monday afternoon and surgery will be on tuesday. Now what kind of surgery and how did we end up here. Fibular Hememilia (FH) is a limb deficiency that affects the legs with different levels of severity. Both of Dominics legs are affected but the left one seems to be a bit worse than the right. After he was born he was a normal healthy child and there was no hurry to fix his legs until he was a bit older. At the beginning of march we made a trip to Shriners Hospital in Greenville SC, and were told by the Dr. there that we should likely consider amputation of both legs. At the time it seemed like the only good and reasonable option due to the fact that many procedures that we read and heard about were painful lengthenings and multiple surgeries that children went through throughout their childhood an...